Complete Guide to Successful Chironomid Fishing - Paperback
Complete Guide to Successful Chironomid Fishing - Paperback
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we like to fly fish lakes and to fly fish lakes effectively we all fish Chironomids. You ever wonder what that guy is fishing on your favorite lake hauling in one fish after the other? Well he is more than likely fishing Chironomids. In this wonderful book, Jerry Buron take s the mystery out of this effective technique. Trust us, Your fish count will go up after reading this book.
This book was released June 29, 2020. This first edition is a colorful and informative explanation of chironomid fly fishing.
About the Author
Jerry Buron is a retired educator. He is a long-time member of the Evergreen Fly Fishing Club who has given chironomid fly fishing presentations throughout the Pacific Northwest including British Columbia, Canada.
Jerry is an accomplished innovative fly-tier, presenter, and photographer with more than fifty years of fly fishing experience.
Jerry lives in Marysville, WA State and can be often found fishing local lakes, including his favorite British Columbia stillwaters, year-round. When not fishing he is involved with his photography pursuits.